Support Navigation

  1. Expand the Settings menu item on the left navigation within LeadSnap.
  2. Select Integrations.
  3. Select Connect Zapier.
  4. Select the company from the dropdown that you would like to connect with Zapier.
  5. Copy the Zapier Connection key to your clipboard.
  6. Log in to your Zapier account (in a new tab).
  7. Click the "Make A Zap" button.
  8. If you have not accepted the invite from LeadSnap please click here and accept the invitation.
  9. Type LeadSnap in the search app field.
  10. Select the LeadSnap application.
  11. Within the Trigger Event dropdown box select New Lead.
  12. Click Continue.
  13. Choose Account and then add new account from dropdown within Zapier.
  14. Paste the API key into the Zapier popup window.
  15. Click the "yes, continue" button in the popup window.
  16. Click the Continue button back within the main Zapier window.
  17. Click the test trigger button and confirm that Zapier was able to successfully bring in a previous lead for this company from LeadSnap.
  18. Click Continue.
  19. Search for ClickSend SMS within the "Choose App & Event" search box.
  20. In the "Action Event" search box select "Send SMS".
  21. Click Continue.
  22. Select your new account for ClickSend SMS or create a new account if necessary.
  23. Click Continue.
  24. Enter the information to customize the SMS message. (notice that when you click into a field Zapier will present you with the data from the test lead it found during the previous step from LeadSnap. )
  25. Map the test lead info to the areas within the Customize SMS window.
  26. Click Continue after customizing your SMS message.
  27. Click the Test and Review button to confirm your settings are correct and make any necessary adjustments.
  28. Name your zap in the top left corner.
  29. Turn your zap on with the toggle switch in the top right corner.

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